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Full Time Cardiology Interventional Job Sulphur Springs, TX

JN -072024-31563

7 days ago

Posted by: Curative

Employer: Perm

Job Description

A dedicated not-for-profit hospital system is seeking 2 Interventional cardiologists to establish a new practice location in Sulphur Springs, TX with an existing cath lab and patient panel.

The staffing model will include a Cardiology Advanced Practice Clinician and full office staff including clerical and front office staff, medical assistants and nursing staff, managed by an experienced clinic administrative team.


The hospital is a 94-bed community hospital with a busy 24/7 physician-staffed emergency room, an excellent cardiac Cath lab with full capabilities in invasive diagnostic and interventional coronary procedures and device implants, a critical care unit, full hospitalist model and full noninvasive capabilities including echocardiography, and nuclear cardiology.


Welcome to Sulphur Springs, Texas. Whether you're seeking family activities, learning experiences, getting in touch with the past, or just some quiet time away from stress, we have it all!


In Sulphur Springs, Texas, you can dine where the locals do, shop on Celebration Plaza at many of the specialty shops, or find the item of your desire in one of many factory direct stores. The area lakes are world famous for those who enjoy outdoor activities. Fish for the big ones on Lake Fork or Cooper Lake. The lakes also offer swimming, golf, and superb relaxation.


Sulphur Springs is located 80 miles from Dallas and enjoys a strong and rapidly growing business base, excellent schools, a vibrant downtown, parks, sports fields, a country club, and multiple area amenities including popular lakes, walking trails, and parks.

JN -072024-31563



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