Full Time Anesthesia Job DU
16 days ago
Posted by: Defense Health Agency
Employer: Defense Health Agency
Job Description
SUPERVISORY CONTROLS Works under the supervision of the Chief, Department of Anesthesia. The Chief determines caseload, room assignments, administrative assignments and work schedule. The incumbent exercises independent judgment and skills commensurate with contemporary anesthetic practice. The quality of professional and administrative work will be evaluated utilizing quality assurance principles, policies, and regulations as mandated by the Joint Commission and as structured by appropriate Army and local regulations and policies. MAJOR DUTIES As an expert in the field of anesthesiology is assigned the full range of cases in the field. The physician must be licensed to practice medicine, be board eligible, certified, or hold current State Licensure in the field of anesthesia. Provides contemporary regional and general anesthesia care including pediatric, geriatric patients; obstetric anesthesia; and anesthesia for all surgical specialties at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in a variety of surgical patients (general surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, ear/nose/throat, urology, oral surgery, opthalmology, plastic surgery, thoracic surgery, and vascular surgery). Supervises the administration of anesthesia by nurse anesthetists when indicated; administers anesthesia to patients whose condition poses a particular anesthetic difficulty. Administers appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic nerve blocks in the treatment of acute pain. Oversees the activities of the recovery room and administers appropriate drug and respiratory therapy in the recovery room setting. Implements the proper use of mechanical ventilators in the recovery room if needed, and as necessary in the intensive care units. Provides consultation regarding preoperative preparation, intro and postoperative anesthetic management. Performs administrative tasks as delegated by the service chief. Performs other duties as assigned.
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